Nick ProctorAssignment 13: Flood and Soil MapsFor this assignment I focused locally on Cleveland, VA. Cleveland is located within the Clinch River watershed and where the river flows...
Nick ProctorAssignment 10: Research EquipmentMonitoring the health is a critical task in managing any watershed. There are a variety of different tools that can be used. Taking a...
Nick ProctorAssignment 9: Special Threats/Challenges to the Clinch RiverImage Source: Nathan Rott/NPR
Nick ProctorAssignment 7: Flood and Drought DataBefore I moved back to Blacksburg in 2016 to finish my Master's in landscape architecture with Virginia Tech, I worked for a small...
Nick ProctorAssignment 6: Clinch River Watershed Special CharacteristicsThe Clinch River watershed has several unique characteristics that create a unique ecosystem for the several endemic species that call...
Nick ProctorAssignment 8: Watershed Organization ResearchPhoto: Jeffrey Ingram We all need, somebody, to lean on! The Clinch River leans on several community organizations, non-profits, and...
Nick ProctorAssignment 5: Tank Hollow Falls Watershed DelineationWhat a fun exercise. Though I am focusing on the Virginia portion of the Clinch River for the course, I decided to look more closely...
Nick ProctorAssignment 4: Dendrology in Virginia's Clinch River ValleyTrees and small shrubs are a dominant vegetative feature within Virginia's Clinch River Valley. The slides below highlight a mixture of...